Archiv Archive Knut Kargel

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Dripping Droplets Of Flesh


» Dripping Droplets Of Flesh «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches

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"The Struggle"
he struggled not to live
but to die
through the crinkle
of plastic
he reached
bursting through the film
the fresher unfresh air
caught his new born hand
radiant for a moment in the sun
then the sizzling sound of bacon
his hand began to swell
pulsated then melted like wax
dripping droplets of flesh
from the gnarled hand
that nubbed itself to the bone
he was too pained to scream
his every day torment
didn't add up to this
one moment of glee
that kissed death deeply
upon her lips
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]