Archiv Archive Knut Kargel

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Flying Flowers


» Flying Flowers «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches

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"Flowers That Fly"
i am soil's new garden of
neon leafed chlorinated hydrocarbons
my petro chemical petals
sip deliciously from
barrels of acid rain
from abandoned refineries and
bipolar oil rigs beached
on the brownfield ocean front plains
they call us
flying flowers
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

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Digitale Bearbeitung einer Foto-Collage

2948 x 3256 Pixel, 300 dpi || 17.2 x 24.2 inches

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Bearbeitung der Fotocollage WvzNr 0668