Archiv Archive Knut Kargel

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» Ah-Wishima «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches

Mailanfrage   Nach Oben.

ah-wishima-washima, wishima-washima
wash dishes wash
ah-wishima-washima, wishima-washima
wash dishes wash
he no longer has reason to eat
but he remembers
his mother singing and teaching
him how to wash dishes.
three times a day
he sets the dining room table
sits quietly for 30 minutes
he unsets the dining room table
puts the sparkling clean dishes in the sink
inspite of the water band
he fills the sink with water
in honor of
his mother
three times a day
ah-wishima-washima, wishima-washima
wash dishes wash.
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]