Archiv Archive Knut Kargel


Knut Kargel
Eternal Damnation


2012-06 Webshop

Melted Collage
44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches

"The Vacuum Cleaner"
every hour
on the hour
i stop
and vacuum
up pieces of
my soul
that flake off
i know not
how to replace
the pieces
but they are
in the vacuum
of my hoover
entangled in the
of every day dirt
what will I do
when the bag is full?
buy a new vacuum cleaner?
i think not
i shall just suck up
the rest of
what's left of me
through the
naughty nozzle
and give over
eternal damnation
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]  

Archiv Nr.: 2985

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