Archiv Archive Knut Kargel

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2474 Datensätze Records, 125 SeitenPages (20 pro Seite per page)  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 |
Entre (Un Chien Andalou XIV) | Lily Porcelain (Un Chien Andalou XIII) | Cherry Pie Sizzle (Un Chien Andalou XII) | Men Know (Un Chien Andalou XI) | The Royal Hobby Horse (Un Chien Andalou X) | Windows (Un Chien Andalou IX) | A Rape By Any Other Name Is Still A Rape All The Same (Un Chien Andalou VIII) | Everyman's Woman (Un Chien Andalou VII) | Lettuce (Un Chien Andalou VI) | Perfection (Un Chien Andalou V) | Feminine (Un Chien Andalou IV) | Coquette (Un Chien Andalou III) | The Recipient (Un Chien Andalou II) | Meaningless (Un Chien Andalou I) | Brotkatze auf Beton | Brotkatze auf Beton | Brotkatze auf Beton | Brotkatze auf Beton | Brotkatze auf Beton | El Pintor Del Rey |
Entre (Un Chien Andalou XIV)


» Entre (Un Chien Andalou XIV) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
"Poet Entre"
third place winners
and mezzo tenors
marry as beginners
with objectionable
choking their freedom
to choose
stale thoughts

"At Last"
at last

there are times
when all I need is you
and a big pot
of home made
whip ass stew

Lily Porcelain (Un Chien Andalou XIII)


» Lily Porcelain (Un Chien Andalou XIII) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
she amen-ed
her amen
her pretend
him into believing
his belief
that she loved him
as she lavished
her exquisite secrets
on another not knowing
he was her first brother

"She Shocks You Not"
she shocks you
not for the sake of shock
but for the revenge of
knock knocks
polish jokes
coonish literature
and sheeted men
she willingly
she shocks you
not for the
sake of shock
but for the sake of
jazz in waltz time and
negro rigged
her pearly fresh skin
shocks you not
for the sake of shock
when she publicly
offers her lily whiteness
to a starving mouthed
jet black baby
sniffing the milk
from her blouse
she shocks you
not for the sake of shock
when she
dances dada
to the
forgotten nada
shocking her mama and papa
but not just
for the sake of shock

lily porcelain
so thin
love easily
pierces in
she counts
the entries
like ovaries
for when to begin

"Wall Hanging"
she hung on the wall
exposed to
his idiosyncrasies
and judged
in her two dimensional way
his three dimensional sins

he smelled
of hyacinth and clover
that's how she
knew it was over
for she was
lavender and lemon
so she smelled
a foreign embrace.
it was easy to spritz
his things with
eau de gasoline.
she blinked not that he
wore his clothes
as the flames leaped
and stung her nose

the salad was made
of fingers
toes and
blood vinaigrette
the black widow
double double
boiling her
with elbow
hors 'dourves
kissed with
baby onions and peas
floating in a bed of ears.
women line
the dining hall
with bloody
plastic ziploc
baggies full
of the lies
they had been told.
they smelled
of arsenic cologne
and hemlock.
they knew that soon
they would
all menstruate
in tune

Cherry Pie Sizzle (Un Chien Andalou XII)


» Cherry Pie Sizzle (Un Chien Andalou XII) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
"Cherry Pie Lover"
words drip
like glazed
cherries from the fork
of his lips
and she
and sips
and sips

"Political Gut check"
what heavenly host
nominated me
for you

"Bird Cries"
echoes the mocking bird
yodels Edgar's raven

"Feathered Heart"
He carries
in his pocket
to protect
the feathers
of his heart

"The Mechanic"
flat tires

"The Last Time I loved"
the moth smartly
flitted expertly
skirting the
lighbulb's heat,
around the
man made sun,
wings never tiring.
out went the lamp.
land went the moth.

Men Know (Un Chien Andalou XI)


» Men Know (Un Chien Andalou XI) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
"At My Death"
let me not
gather a crowd
or die out loud
let me not
be tangled
in a star studded spangle
of fireworks and fanfare
let me not be remembered
or cross timbered between two thieves
just lay me on my back
on a burlap sack
and cover me please
with dry leaves

"The Crowd"
they gather
round the hole
looking past
the dinosaurs
to see the
geisha girl
standing naked
a metallic blood red
she looks up
at the hole in her ceiling
she winks
the men
stumble back
then embarrassed
they have
ejaculated upon one another

"Heart Break"
shin splintered hearts
run marathons
skiing down barren
snow slopes on surf boards
ice skating on race tracks
as cars zip past

"The Accident"
it was a horrific accident
body parts were strewn
from yesterday to nigh noon
all gathered
as their mouths lathered
around a heart
still beating
"is it man or woman?"
she asked
"surely woman"
he answered
"for men know when love is dead"

The Royal Hobby Horse (Un Chien Andalou X)


» The Royal Hobby Horse (Un Chien Andalou X) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
"The Throne"
the porcupine
sat on the throne
with a duck
for a crown
a swan song

women are the
society by which
man misunderstands

"From Her Belly"
you dada
my mama
into a la la
she makes me
call you
but I know
you are the father
of the bowling ball
that eats her
eyes hollow
from her belly

"Because A Girl"
its a man's world
because a girl
for the boys
her toys
of bare breasted
barbie dolls
riding tractors
and men always dream
of how she rode
in a man's world

"Hobby Horse"
the hobby horse
sucked baby talk
from its mother's milk
and it was surreal
how real it
felt when the
knife was left
for him to

Windows (Un Chien Andalou IX)


» Windows (Un Chien Andalou IX) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
"Rocket Science"
the art
of love
the science of

"Window Talk"
do we look out
the window seeing
does the window look in to us
seeing out

where essays stop
and punctuation begins
all conversation ends

"Summer Memories"
gingham frocks
blow whales
flea picking monkeys
kissing toucans
tequila flavored sunsets

she accumulated
his need
and his
third eye brain
grew from the experience.
she was savage
in her primal truths
but genteel
in her lies.
which would he choose?

curls back
making me your window.

A Rape By Any Other Name Is Still A Rape All The Same (Un Chien Andalou VIII)


» A Rape By Any Other Name Is Still A Rape All The Same (Un Chien Andalou VIII) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
She crumbled
from the rumbling
heart beat that
mistook hers for his
and refused to look away
so she could catch
the day when
his and hers
became theirs
and devoured the
right for there to be he
and she to be she
she walked carefully
stepping gingerly
her very own crumbs

"Eagle's Nest"
when she knew not
that she was at the mercy of;
the eagle's talons swooped in.
she exposed her breast willingly,
knowing not
what she was at the mercy of

"Psychological Woman"
she was
of found objections
but men paid handsomely
to love her
tipping themselves
into next month's

Everyman's Woman (Un Chien Andalou VII)


» Everyman's Woman (Un Chien Andalou VII) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
"Well Traveled"
there is no place she
hasn't been
her yang got her in
her yen opened
she pleasured pilots
flying the friendly skies
there's no place she has
not been
when yang couldn't
she used her yen

her bourgeois
breasts were
none the less
touchless playground
yet she wore them
without a sound

"No Regrets"
she loved,
no regrets
he loved
placing bets
on what he'd get, and yet
she gave
with nothing set.
no regrets
she loved

Lettuce (Un Chien Andalou VI)


» Lettuce (Un Chien Andalou VI) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
"The Chosen"
she spat on
being called
she rolled
her eyes
debasing the bourgeois.
she not only lived
but breathed on
the edge
of all the men she loved

she gave up
conscious control
of her love
binding her will
then rapidly
wrapped her legs
around his mind

"Hit List"
(lettuce trilogy poem 1)
let us compare
hit lists of those
we promise
to pretend to love

"Treasures Of Doing Nothing"
(lettuce trilogy poem 2)
let us make
treasures of
whale underbellies
spread our organic toast
with rancid toe jam
condition our hair with aerosol cans of
putrid yellow tooth plaque
wade on the beach of
aborted babies
and shout hurrah
to the Hitler in us all

"She Krazies"
(lettuce trilogy poem 3)
Let us know
there is no crazy
like the insanity of
the unsighted
when blindsided
by dear john's
"it's not you, it's me"
"I;m not ready yet"
"you deserve someone better"
she leaves her
blood rusted scissors
to cure in the rain
as she embroiders
poor john with strands
of her Repunzel hair.
She embellishes Hector John's
severed scrotum with
beads of sweat and the button
from this belly.
she pieces it to
her krazy-quilt
masterpiece of
teddy john,
maxwell john
kevin john
charles john
humming as she
prepares it
for the queen of England
her scissors smile
curing perfectly

Perfection (Un Chien Andalou V)


» Perfection (Un Chien Andalou V) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
the best
love of all
is when the
imagines she
is loved

time cannot be
no matter how long
an ant or moth
bottled time will sloth
degenerate and die
not rise like a butterfly
traps and nets
are no sure bets
for time

"For Time"
I'd give anything,
my laughter
sound of hearing
feel of touch
if I could
so much
buy back
your time

"Your Time"
your time
was worth nothing
you gave it
without thought.
my every breath was
but for you
it was nothing.

"It Was Nothing"
it was nothing for me to smile
it was nothing for me to want you
it was nothing for me to
lay my clothes next to yours
it was nothing for my breasts
to touch chest to chest
listening to the one heart beat
when you are with me
cannot be

love were
a systematic splendid thing
she would never pine for a wedding ring
if love were the answer
he'd romance her
dance her
instead of
prance her
from friend to friend
collecting money in
if love made it right
abortion sites
wouldn't whet the appetite
of back yard alleys
she wouldn't
compromise her thighs
with deep moated signs
and dungeon splurges
of chemical urges
if love were a many
splendoured systematic thing

abstract subtraction
slows her reaction
to carbon monoxide
she feeds
her aborted fetus
she's the perfect
of the social order
leaving spun red
in the sand
tossing smiling
aides infected starfish
through government
with innuendos
of hints
to the extent of
it was her father

"One of a Kind"
she was a
one of a kind
new woman
never before tasted
impossible to pigeon hole
so the other women
stoned her
a little boy
rushed in
screaming "Mama!!!"
the women froze
turned away
went home
put their stones
in their kitchen windows
she died in perfection

Feminine (Un Chien Andalou IV)


» Feminine (Un Chien Andalou IV) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
"Picturing things"
a picture is just
a picture
until she
hangs on your wall

she was
visual in
the well worn
at his blue
jean seams
he entered
he exited
across the table
she leaned

"Love Lies"
the illusion of love
is the only
to the beauty that
in the garden of doubts
lying down
playing dead
believing every
that is

"Love Bays"
it doesn't take
seasons of reasons
to fall in love
but only one
missed holiday
blocks the way
putting love at bay

"Female Artistry"
is not
the means to the end
her artistry
is empowered
to bring on
the finale

Coquette (Un Chien Andalou III)


» Coquette (Un Chien Andalou III) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
"Hair Adornments"
Beware of
women who wear
flowers in their hair
for songs they sing
don't mean anything
just jazzy blues
for the lack of you
of empty notes
and dancing
billy goats
who breathe
from slitted throats
flower haired
sharp tongued women
who aren't afraid
of death

"Like A Dog"
a slap
a push
a shove
still she returns
like a dog
to its vomit.
loveless women
are like clock work
in and out
of season

"The Sly Foxed Chicken"
the fox and the hen
slept together and then
sunrise the fox
was gone
and the hen
laid her eggs
with an eye
that was sly

The Recipient (Un Chien Andalou II)


» The Recipient (Un Chien Andalou II) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

Simone Mareuil

Auch als Postkarte

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
"Dog: Man's Best Friend"
there is something
in your eye
let me use
my razor blade
to get it out

"The Recipient"
her eye
carried the
mind of the recipient
toward her
regions so it
had to be removed
her eye
that is

"The Eye of my Soul"
she begged and begged
slit my
with a razorblade
so the moon
can see
the cloud of
my eye

Always distrust
the eye of a woman
propped open by a man
with an old fashion
razor in his hand

cows moo

Meaningless (Un Chien Andalou I)


» Meaningless (Un Chien Andalou I) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
the meaning
of the meaning
is to have no

"Darling Dali"
darling Dali
your surrealism
is so real
to the unrealities
that reveal
unwoven tapestries
for a meal

"Which Is What?"
which is not
the absolute of

When pigs fly
and donkeys
eat with a fork
and slugs swing
from branches
only then...
will I love again!

Brotkatze auf Beton


» Brotkatze auf Beton «



Beton, Acrylfarbe, Brotkatze

8.5 x 13.5 cm || 3.3 x 5.3 inches
Nach Oben.

Eine Arbeit aus Kommissar Hjulers Brotkatze Collaborations.

2012 GALERIE "Offenes Atelier D.U.Design.", Villach (A)

Brotkatze auf Beton


» Brotkatze auf Beton «



Beton, Acrylfarbe, Brotkatze

8.5 x 13 cm || 3.3 x 5.1 inches
Nach Oben.

Eine Arbeit aus Kommissar Hjulers Brotkatze Collaborations.

2012 GALERIE "Offenes Atelier D.U.Design.", Villach (A)

Brotkatze auf Beton


» Brotkatze auf Beton «



Beton, Acrylfarbe, Brotkatze

8.5 x 12.5 cm || 3.3 x 4.9 inches
Nach Oben.

Eine Arbeit aus Kommissar Hjulers Brotkatze Collaborations.

2012 GALERIE "Offenes Atelier D.U.Design.", Villach (A)

Brotkatze auf Beton


» Brotkatze auf Beton «



Beton, Acrylfarbe, Brotkatze

8.5 x 13.5 cm || 3.3 x 5.3 inches
Nach Oben.

Eine Arbeit aus Kommissar Hjulers Brotkatze Collaborations.

2012 GALERIE "Offenes Atelier D.U.Design.", Villach (A)

Brotkatze auf Beton


» Brotkatze auf Beton «



Beton, Acrylfarbe, Brotkatze

6 x 14 cm || 2.3 x 5.5 inches
Nach Oben.

Eine Arbeit aus Kommissar Hjulers Brotkatze Collaborations.

2012 GALERIE "Offenes Atelier D.U.Design.", Villach (A)

El Pintor Del Rey


» El Pintor Del Rey «



Kunststein-Grafik auf Baumwolltuch

59 x 63 cm || 23 x 24.6 inches
Nach Oben.