Archiv Archive Knut Kargel

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2474 Datensätze Records, 125 SeitenPages (20 pro Seite per page)  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 |
Plasticscape | Extraterrestrial Forest | o.T. | o.T. | Two Layers | o.T. | o.T. | o.T. | Fleisch | Blue | Green | Red | Nugget | Black | No Separation | Cloud Over Lake | Pollutants | Dandelion Puffs | Pollination | Illicit Affair |


» Plasticscape «



Melted Collage

44 x 32 cm || 17.2 x 12.5 inches
Nach Oben.

Extraterrestrial Forest


» Extraterrestrial Forest «



Melted Collage

100 x 70 cm || 39 x 27.3 inches
Nach Oben.

In öffentlichem Besitz, Sammlung Kreis Warendorf

2013 Galerie im Kreishaus, Warendorf

"Lost Laughter"
forests grow
from the sky
ungrounded with
floating roots
that breathe
what is left of
unfounded children
who have lost
their laughter.
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]



» o.T. «



Melted Collage

44 x 32 cm || 17.2 x 12.5 inches
Nach Oben.



» o.T. «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

Two Layers


» Two Layers «



Melted Collage

93 x 67 cm || 36.3 x 26.1 inches
Nach Oben.

"Two Layers"
she had all her
clothes on
two layers worth
but when she
looked into his eyes
she stood
when he
touched her
once again
she wore
two layers
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]



» o.T. «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 60 cm || 17.6 x 23.4 inches
Nach Oben.



» o.T. «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 60 cm || 17.6 x 23.4 inches
Nach Oben.



» o.T. «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 60 cm || 17.6 x 23.4 inches
Nach Oben.



» Fleisch «



Öl auf Leinwand und Melted Collage

45 x 60 cm || 17.6 x 23.4 inches
Nach Oben.



» Blue «



Öl auf Leinwand und Melted Collage

45 x 60 cm || 17.6 x 23.4 inches
Nach Oben.



» Green «



Öl auf Leinwand und Melted Collage

45 x 60 cm || 17.6 x 23.4 inches
Nach Oben.

"Dehydrated Love"
she needs something
she doesn't know what
but she needs something
her arms lay leaded
her feet are rooted stumps
her hips sag like
molten concrete
nothing green
comes her way
water, man, water.
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]



» Red «



Öl auf Leinwand und Melted Collage

45 x 60 cm || 17.6 x 23.4 inches
Nach Oben.



» Nugget «



Öl auf Leinwand und Melted Collage

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

2013 Galerie im Kreishaus, Warendorf
2014 Kunstsaal des Kunstvereins Kreis Soest "Minor Mundus Petrolei"
2014 Musikschule Warstein "Interdependencias"



» Black «



Öl auf Leinwand und Melted Collage

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

No Separation


» No Separation «



Öl auf Leinwand und Melted Collage

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

i must write
or one day will blend
into the next
and the next
dawn and dusk
will have no
for windows
are shut
doors are not opened
and alas
lightbulb light
knows not the
day from the night
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Cloud Over Lake


» Cloud Over Lake «



Öl auf Leinwand und Melted Collage

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches
Nach Oben.

clouds are vapor
birds fly through
airplanes fly through
yet clouds
hold rainstorms
and billions of drops
that destroy and that
give sustenance
but they are clouds
just vapor too light
to hold in ones hand
vapor that slides through
ones fingers and through
the valleys of life and death
snow flake
clouds so heavy they bend
a mama's back
clouds so heavy they mask the sun
and steal
a child's last breath
for a chilled and clouded mind
cannot live to see another icicle day
so it suicides the cloud away
a cloud that was just vapor
a thought that could not be
vapor so heavy
that it left a dent a hollowed out place
a dip where
a child who once thought
will never think
an accumulated cumulus
a latin heap a pile, a heap of puffy
that birds and airplanes
fly through
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]



» Pollutants «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

what pollutes
the polluter
that he or she
would soil mother earth
with pollutants?
the rusty can of childhood negligence
plastic breasts of latex and
nipple implants
we are the stuff
of which cans
are made of
peek a boo
peep-eye too
games turn tricks
into cans
tickle me here
tickle me there
if you dare, dare, double dare
triple dog dare
touch me not flowers that
become touch me so and so's
jonesing over
keeping up with the joneses
cans, cans, cans
unloving reprimands
poop poop pee do
show your ankle too
i'm bad, i'm bad
you show me your can
and i'll show you mine
blind uncle bunt
back from Afghanistan
adorns the corner of
second and noplace place
holding his can low
for his groin now knows
a nickel from a quarter
remembering when
toots, firecracker and juice
jumped him in
to make him a man
they're all dead
now he's a can with a can
hey mister can,
can you spare a dime
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Dandelion Puffs


» Dandelion Puffs «



Melted Collage

32 x 44 cm || 12.5 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

Feeling Sexy
let us blow
dandelion puffs
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]



» Pollination «



Melted Collage

32 x 44 cm || 12.5 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

Hover Bee
Joy boy
tells her
all the words
she longs to hear,
but lies entangle
her trust,
hog tied to fetid
pastures of stubble
surrounded by
desert sand storms.
she chews grit
from the air
and breathes
shards of acid promises.
however, joy boy
patiently smooths
honey on her
open wounds.
he tends her like
a hover bee
her womb
with his
joy boy
tells her
tells her
tells her
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Illicit Affair


» Illicit Affair «



Melted Collage

44 x 32 cm || 17.2 x 12.5 inches
Nach Oben.

Illicit Affair
when last we kissed
i missed because
you were not there
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]