Archiv Archive Knut Kargel

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2474 Datensätze Records, 125 SeitenPages (20 pro Seite per page)  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 |
The Not-End | Let Us The Pharisees Keep Track | Blood Stained Fees | Still Wet And Raw Around The Edges | The "L" Word | Footprints | Marie Antoinette | Jason's Golden Fleece | Geisha | Unleash The Tears | Amazone | Let Me Clip Your Talons | New Breed Of Weed | Uprising Creature | Sunset | Sunshine Through Unwashed Clouds | Settings Of The Sun | Black Lady Bug | Blocked Track | MON 863 |
The Not-End


» The Not-End «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"The Monstrosity"
He said,
"people will expound and write pages
of who I was to you through the ages."
She wept,
"know I will be with you to the bitter end"
He struggled,
"and you will be there when next I begin"
She agonized,
"what manner of things you speak?"
"this is not the end Magdalena,
be not pained, sorrowed or meek
mark my death, go and rest
knowing this monstrosity is best."
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Let Us The Pharisees Keep Track


» Let Us The Pharisees Keep Track «



Melted Collage

Nach Oben.

"Happy Mother's Day"
thank you
for your
look away now
it is all in
what My True Father
will allow
but let the
pharisees keep track
I will be coming back
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Blood Stained Fees


» Blood Stained Fees «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"Night Mares"
hell dreamed
of revenge
severe punishments
dark sided marys
with unprecedented mercy
the sinless babe
paid the blood stained fees
then went to hell
and took the keys
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Still Wet And Raw Around The Edges


» Still Wet And Raw Around The Edges «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"Death Of A Marriage"
the wound was still
wet and raw
around the edges
there was still seepage
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]



» The "L" Word «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

The "L" Word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word
"L" word

[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]



» Footprints «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

Auch als Postkarte

2014 LWL Warstein "Mensch entfalten"
2013 Galerie im Kreishaus, Warendorf

"When Did it Happen?"
when yonder
became hither
and up close
was thither
when far fetched
became reality
plastic earth
was birthed
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Marie Antoinette


» Marie Antoinette «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

hush my flag hush
there is no oil
there is no rice
only dreams of
a past paradise
hush my flag hush
take hold of your bosom
and nurse thy wounds
hunger feeds on the hungry
lack breeds character
hush my flag hush
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Jason's Golden Fleece


» Jason's Golden Fleece «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

2014 LWL Warstein "Mensch entfalten"

"She Lay Softly"
she lay softly
dreaming of oceans
she lay softly
dreaming of brave men
she lay softly
dreaming of aladdin's lamp
she lay softly
dreaming of jason's golden fleece
she lay softly
dreaming of thor's thunderous hammer
she lay softly
dreaming of the fallen walls of jerico
she lay softly
dreaming of the parting of the red sea
she lay softly
dreaming of a risen christ
she lay softly
dreaming of dreams yet to be
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]



» Geisha «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"He Stood Before Her"
how may
I now serve you
your parts have
eroded and corroded
you have nothing left
by which to bargain
I will not hear your
forked tongue jargon
one again I ask..
with your manhood shredded and threaded
what shall be my task
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Unleash The Tears


» Unleash The Tears «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"War Is Not For Women"
the trojan amazon
stood before him
metal suited
sword wielded
she returned home
as is
hair matted in blood
she had walked through deaths flood
now here she stood
a woman soldier in boldness
a heart of warmth now
protected in coldness
in the doorway,
he gently took off her armour
not one word was said
many she fought beside were lost or dead
she had mastered not being afraid
her face still wore a warriors wrath
his lips touched hers
for a cleansing kiss bath
he kissed her hairline
behind her ear, to her spine
lingering at the small of her back
the roughness of his unshaven chin on her behind
she began to shiver causing him to quiver
she allowed her pain to part the smallest sliver
he kissed and caressed
not minding the time it would take
to coax her softness awake
and unleash the tears
she kept hidden
and war had forbidden
she allowed him to pick her up
as her hard eyes began to blur and shed
vinegar droplets he placed her on his bed
she curled into a fetal position
sobbing for the authentic tradition
of women who birth babies they tend from their breast
instead of tossing grenades into another woman's
he covered her with a flannel sheet
curled his body around hers
chasing her chills with his body heat
finally she fitfully slept
he guarded her
and inspite of his man-ness he wept
for tomorrow he'd have to dress her
in a three piece suit
hand her a briefcase
and high heel pumps
instead of combat boots.
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]



» Amazone «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"Maskless Men"
don't tell me
how to wear my mask
how dare you ask
why green
and other
unseemly things
you cover you
the best way you can
don't worry about me
my fear is solid
my dear maskless man
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Let Me Clip Your Talons


» Let Me Clip Your Talons «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"Here Birdie, Birdie!"
here birdie, birdie
let me clip your talons and
manicure your wings
and tame you to
teach me
your knowing
so I can
control your growing
conquering my sins
and by your undoing
here birdie, birdie, birdie.
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

New Breed Of Weed


» New Breed Of Weed «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"New Breed"
i went to the garden
to pick a bouquet
and tripped and was
swallowed in a filmy
mire of
grocery bags and sandwich wrappers
and cans and throw aways
that had cavewomanned
into massive mutations
and it was a new beauty
that smothered the earth
and entangled her roots
what is this new breed of weed?
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Uprising Creature


» Uprising Creature «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

she blows
a kiss
to the moon
high noon
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]



» Sunset «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"Sure Footed"
the sand man
tap dances
on the ocean
sliding sure footed
as James Brown
on the oil slicks of man
with a scratchy throat
he hums a tune
to entice the arrival of
the quadriplegic moon
the sand man
gyrates and prances
tap dances
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Sunshine Through Unwashed Clouds


» Sunshine Through Unwashed Clouds «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"Still the Sun"
why does the sun
still rise
in spite of
the human blight?
he raises his arms
and tosses himself
through the thick
unwashed clouds
still shining loud
beaming proud
although he now stutters
he announces
the sssssun!
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Settings Of The Sun


» Settings Of The Sun «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"Night Owls"
night owls
now sing
instead of
what-what is to be done
by each setting of the sun
and the
is to be done by
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Black Lady Bug


» Black Lady Bug «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"Eight Plus Two Equals Ten"
birds stopped singing
spring stopped springing
lady bugs painted themselves black
zebras left the jungle
without a look back
elephants packed their trunks
full of pollutants and gunk
crocodiles cried acidic tears that
burned their oil stained cheeks
the octopus sidled along
embarrassed and meek
swimming all wrong
tumbling over his two extra feet
he was left to ocean beg
defenseless with
his inkless pouch full of human dregs
birds stopped singing
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Blocked Track


» Blocked Track «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

fictional reality
air fighter
robbing hydrogen
choking the oxygen
serial grenades
in plastic
to permanence
track blocking
ultralight hawk mascots
branding tomorrow
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

MON 863


» MON 863 «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"The Predicament"
women were
captured and
kept in cages
for producing such
expulsions into the skies
when they squatted
and spread their thighs.
they had only eaten
what they had been fed from birth
of the new seeds man gave the earth
now man doesn't know what to do
should we consider caging him too?
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]