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2474 Datensätze Records, 125 SeitenPages (20 pro Seite per page)  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 |
Beauty From The Curse | Realignment | New Neanderthal Man | Volcanic Women | His Canvas Ripped | Broad Stroke Deeply Detailed | The Answer | Flying Flowers | Flying Creature | The Lack Of The Lack | Prisoners Of A Lower Man | Heavenly Pollution | People Will Be Soylent Green | The Onset | Hazmat Fashion | Astro Turf | Path Of Destruction | Even The Clock | The Hairy Fruit | Dripping Droplets Of Flesh |
Beauty From The Curse


» Beauty From The Curse «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

2014 LWL Warstein "Mensch entfalten"

the earth coughed and wheezed
wiped her nose and sneezed
but still made beauty
from the curse of those
who meant her harm for their
clink and chink of
a dinero, a buck a yen
but died before they even
had opportunity to spend.
earth clung tightly
refusing to sing
the end, the end, the end
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]



» Realignment «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"The Growth"
the polluted ozone
stretched forth
in the grace of her
renaissance beauty
divorcing, resourcing,
reassigning, realigning
her duty
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

New Neanderthal Man


» New Neanderthal Man «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"The Immigrant"
it plopped
and slopped
and leaned
it seemed
to want to stand
it reached
it breached
it took command
raising its head
as the new
neanderthal man
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Volcanic Women


» Volcanic Women «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"Volcanic Women"
Yolantha Harrison-Pace

His Canvas Ripped


» His Canvas Ripped «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"The Art"
her poem stood up
and words walked off the page
his canvas ripped and
the portrait walked across the stage
their art was more real
than the prevarications of their mind
for the truth is only told
when creativity takes hold
all lies fall apart
when the Judge allows the art
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Broad Stroke Deeply Detailed


» Broad Stroke Deeply Detailed «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

i love details
although it seems
i love life
in broad strokes
every broad stroke
has been
deeply thought
about in
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

The Answer


» The Answer «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"How Will I Answer"
when death calls
does one fight until
the end or go with
humble obedience?
when death calls
does one run toward
or run away
even knowing that
with each breath death
inhales then exhales our way?
when death calls
do you skip or crawl?
when death calls
does one cuss and fuss and
kick up dust
or neatly fold one's
dinner napkin and not question
what is happening?
do you wear your Sunday best
and make sure your hair is not a mess?
do you woop-woop and yeah-yeah
or turn within and stare?
when death calls
what do you do yall?
dance a cotillion ball?
two step boogie or
3/4 waltz time?
Is it disorienting or sublime?
do you respond
based on how you lived?
then he'll be on caller ID
when the phone rings
for death to gather my things
and like a bill collector call
I just won't answer at all.
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Flying Flowers


» Flying Flowers «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"Flowers That Fly"
i am soil's new garden of
neon leafed chlorinated hydrocarbons
my petro chemical petals
sip deliciously from
barrels of acid rain
from abandoned refineries and
bipolar oil rigs beached
on the brownfield ocean front plains
they call us
flying flowers
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Flying Creature


» Flying Creature «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"In Flight"
precious floating polyethylene
fluttering polyvinyl chloride
waving nylon neurons
pliable hangings
moving freely
malleable motion commotions
hardened air suspensions
flaring and glaring
in flight
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

The Lack Of The Lack


» The Lack Of The Lack «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

nothing sings
like the lack of the lack
of things
and absence that inspires the heart
to grow fonder
and the eyes of a
thirst craved man
who sees an oasis yonder
it is the being of not being
and the blindness of not seeing
and the undoing of doings
that gaurantees today's unglueing
for today's lack
can never come back
and tomorrows zero
will always need a hero
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Prisoners Of A Lower Man


» Prisoners Of A Lower Man «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"Prisoners Of A Lower Man"
clung to the wings
of the angels
weighing them down
making them
unable to
return to
to be
earth prisoners...
of a
lower man
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Heavenly Pollution


» Heavenly Pollution «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"Heavenly Pollution"
watch where you step
the souls
of our ancestors
are falling to the ground
watch where you step
it may be on grand nephew
fallen from heaven
wearing his crown
watch where you step
the ancestral spirits
landing without a sound
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

People Will Be Soylent Green


» People Will Be Soylent Green «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"Go Forth and Un-Multiply"
where have all
the forests gone
miles upon miles
of disrespect
now claim earth's landscapes
the wonderful white sand beaches of florida
the notorious niagras of germany and canada
the mighty mount everest and mount fugi
imploded upon themselves
men-like creatures
if one could call them that
lived underground
in mole holes
coming out at sunset
their pupil-less orbs
laying dry of tears
upon their cheeks
they ferreted the earth
looking for dry crustaceans
of radioactive insects
to eat
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

The Onset


» The Onset «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

Auch als Postkarte

2014 LWL Warstein "Mensch entfalten"

"The Onset"
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Hazmat Fashion


» Hazmat Fashion «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

hazmet fashion
is the passion
and the rage
impermeable garments
leap from the vogue page
and struts it stuff from
the runway stage
in an array of hues
from conservative grays to electric blues
with little hazmat doggy hats
and hot pink boots for radioactive cats
and neon flesh tight gloves
for handling dangerous goods
and hazmat bicycle covers for forays in the woods
if you can't beat them, join them
the fashionista will say
the hazmet look of tomorrow will
depend on the
nuclear climate of today
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Astro Turf


» Astro Turf «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

2014 LWL Warstein "Mensch entfalten"
2013 Galerie im Kreishaus, Warendorf

"When I Grow Up"
the blade of grass
beamed at his father
"daddy when I grow up...
i want to be a blade of
astro turf"
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Path Of Destruction


» Path Of Destruction «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

Auch als Postkarte

2014 LWL Warstein "Mensch entfalten"
2013 Galerie im Kreishaus, Warendorf

to my beauty
a treacherous
of destruction
a swim
mirror, mirror
on the wall
who is the most
frightening of all
a woman scorned
a son, fatherless born
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Even The Clock


» Even The Clock «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

2014 LWL Warstein

"Even the Clock"
There will come a time
when even the clock
will beg
go back
go back
go back
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace[

The Hairy Fruit


» The Hairy Fruit «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"The Hairy Fruit"
"pick me, pick me"
proclaimed the hairy fruit
from the banana leafed tree
"what's that mommy?"
said the little plastic girl,
"what can that be?"
"we use to call them cocobanananuts
and they held milk and meat
ever so sweet
but now unfortunately
they are poison to eat"
"But why," said the plastic child
as pebbles of plastic tears clinked down her face
"shush" said plastic mommy
"that's a question long past
when we plastics were a human race"
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]

Dripping Droplets Of Flesh


» Dripping Droplets Of Flesh «



Melted Collage

44 x 62 cm || 17.2 x 24.2 inches
Nach Oben.

"The Struggle"
he struggled not to live
but to die
through the crinkle
of plastic
he reached
bursting through the film
the fresher unfresh air
caught his new born hand
radiant for a moment in the sun
then the sizzling sound of bacon
his hand began to swell
pulsated then melted like wax
dripping droplets of flesh
from the gnarled hand
that nubbed itself to the bone
he was too pained to scream
his every day torment
didn't add up to this
one moment of glee
that kissed death deeply
upon her lips
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]